WhatsApp Releases Special Sticker Pack To Observe Earth Day

WhatsApp rolled out a special sticker pack on Tuesday in observing Earth Day and express users how they can "protect the planet.”

WhatsApp Releases Special Sticker Pack To Observe Earth Day

WhatsApp rolled out a special sticker pack on Tuesday in observing Earth Day and express users how they can "protect the planet.”

"To celebrate Earth Day, a special sticker pack is created that highlights measures that you can take to protect our planet and results in progress," tweeted WhatsApp.

The worldwide used app reminded its users to utilize the chance to reflect on how words, as well as conversations, can make a sustainable future for everyone.

Every year on April 22, the world observes Earth Day that began in 1970. Presently, many events are organized across the world to highlight the state of the planet that we live on.

The idea arose in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference held in San Francisco. John McConnell, a peace activist proposed the idea to observe such a day. The date proposed by him was March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere.

But the day changed to April 22 later after US Senator Gaylord Nelson suggested the idea to hold a nationwide environmental parade on April 22, 1970.

He worked with a young activist, Denis Hayes, and the two termed it "Earth Day."

Read more: ‘Time-Lapse Video’ Added To Google Earth To Depict Climate Change

On this day, many communities involve in actions and organize activities for a whole week focusing on environmental problems that the world faces.