How to make conference calls inclusive and friendly for introverts?
Meetings, in general, are a problem for introverts but conference call meetings are always a nerve-wracking experience for introverts.
Meetings, in general, are a problem for introverts but conference call meetings are always a nerve-wracking experience for introverts. This leads to almost no diversity in the conversations. Why is that so? These conference meetings need more focus and they are complicated for both introverts and extroverts. However, extroverts communication allows them to speak up and introverts sometimes lag behind. Here are a few things which you can do to make the conference meeting calls introvert-friendly:
- Inform the agendas before time
The introverts need time to think before reflecting on something. Giving agendas before time will help them prepare their contribution. Yes, the meetings are virtual but agendas are still the need of the time. You will have to poke them and they are there to help you in the best way they can.
- Keep Checking The Chat
Though the meeting is kind of chaotic sometimes, assign one of the team leads to check the chat. There are chances introverts are filling the chatbox with their opinion. You want them to talk? Call out their name and discuss the opinion they are giving. This way they will feel included.
- No immediate responses
Do not ask for their immediate response. There is nothing good coming out of it. Avoid putting people on spot. In case you want to ask them something, make sure to ask it in a way they can actually think.