Inter Parliamentary Union President, Gabriela Cuevas, Arrives in Islamabad

Inter Parliamentary Union President Gabriela Cuevas Barron along with two Mexican members of Parliament arrived in Islamabad on Sunday

Inter Parliamentary Union President, Gabriela Cuevas, Arrives in Islamabad

 ISLAMABAD, Aug 23 (APP): President of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Gabriela Cuevas Barron along with a delegation comprising two Mexican members of Parliament arrived here on Sunday on a six day visit on the invitation of Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani.

The visit was aimed to foster institutional linkages between the Senate of Pakistan and the Inter Parliamentary Union to strengthen the foundations of democracy and promote mutual collaboration at the highest levels.

Pakistan Senate had consistently played an active and robust role on the forum as it considered parliamentary diplomacy pivotal in peace, development and social and economic prosperity. 

The current visit was taking place at a high time when Pakistan like other nations was faced with challenges of COVID 19 and the world was calling for a joint effort to overcome not only the pandemic but also mitigate the social and economic impacts of the disease on the communities especially the ones having feeble health infrastructure.

The delegation, during its visit, will be having parleys with the President, Prime Minister, Chairman Senate, Speaker of the National Assembly besides other important highly political interactions. Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani always emphasized the need for enhancing institutional collaboration and highly valued the parliamentary diplomacy as it helped in bringing the nations close to each other besides promoting mutual understanding around issues that humanity was faced with.  

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It was pertinent to mention here that this was the first-ever high profile visit at the level of incumbent Inter Parliamentary Union President which was a significant parliamentary and diplomatic breakthrough as the same will help our efforts in promotion of a softer image of the country at the international stage through the auspices of IPU and its member Parliaments.

This would also be instrumental in mustering support during the forthcoming election of the Inter Parliamentary Union President wherein the Parliament of Pakistan had put forward the candidature of Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, Chairman Senate of Pakistan.