Murad Raas Aims At Open Schools For Transgenders

Punjab Minister for Schools Murad Raas has stated on Tuesday to open a school for transgenders in Multan although he already has plans for further educational institutes in other parts of the Punjab province.

Murad Raas Aims At Open Schools For Transgenders

Punjab Minister for Schools Murad Raas has stated on Tuesday to open a school for transgenders in Multan although he already has plans for further educational institutes in other parts of the Punjab province.

“It was an entire community that we have ignored previously and had never in mind that they would be jobs or education,” stated Murad Raas.

“The decision was taken after meeting with the representatives of the transgender community,” he added.

According to the minister, they were asked why transgenders are not motivated to go to regular schools. “If they join regular schools then children who don't understand their emotions could hurt them by poking fun at them,” he said.

Murad Raas, however, stated that although it’s a slow process, they would bring more transgenders towards regular schools.

As stated by him, more schools for the community would be open in other parts of the province and they would also be provided employment opportunities.

Previously, the Department of Local Government and Community Development (LG&CD) had decided for allocating a 2% quota of vacancies for transgender people in its various departments.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the total population of the country is 207.68 million (results of the 2017 census of people and families), which is increasing by 2.4% annually.

The total population of Pakistan comprised of 106,180,000 males, 101,34,400 females and 321,744 transgender people.

Read more: Punjab government decides to give monthly stipend to transgender persons

The department believed that transgender people are the weakest and most neglected communities in Pakistan, and they should be part of the workforce to protect and strengthen their rights.