Naila Jaffri Fights For Royalties To Pay For Cancer Treatment

Actress Nayla Jaffri, one of the renowned PTV’s(Pakistan Television Network) golden era actress, tweeted to ask for help in her fight against ovarian cancer by the government. Sindh Culture Minister Sardar Shah, in response, announced that his department would "happily bear all her expenses”.

Naila Jaffri Fights For Royalties To Pay For Cancer Treatment

Actress Nayla Jaffri, one of the renowned PTV’s(Pakistan Television Network) golden era actress, tweeted to ask for help in her fight against ovarian cancer by the government. Sindh Culture Minister Sardar Shah, in response, announced that his department would "happily bear all her expenses”.

Jaffri highlighted the struggle on Twitter, she is experiencing affording healthcare due to her prolonged illness and increasing medical expenses.

“When I first joined PTV, I remember that the broadcasters would pay us commission for re-runs of our old shows,” recalled the actor. “And although the amount wasn’t much, but receiving that extra amount always felt great,” she continued.

“The last serial I worked in, has played almost six times over the last six years, or maybe four times. Likewise, other dramas as well,” told Jaffri. “For those re-runs, we should’ve been paid commissions,” she stated. She finished her thought by admitting that the commissions would have helped her bearing the expenses of her fight easier.

 “Many other people might not need that money, but when you haven’t been doing any work for a short time, no support as well, these things help,” she said.

She not only discussed this case for ex-actors but also mentioned athletes and other contributors to the field of art in her request.

Jaffri also availed the chance to thank her fans and well-wishers for their love and support for many years.

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Her news of being diagnosed with cancer first appeared in 2017 though exaggerated. In response, she shortly addressed the news, telling it was exaggerated, although fact-based.