Noor Mukadam Case -Zahir Jaffer Given Death Sentence.

details of the high profile case, regarding the verdict announced by District Court Judge Ata Rabbani.

Noor Mukadam Case -Zahir Jaffer Given Death Sentence.

At 1:30 pm, today, on the 24th of February the verdict of the extremely spoken about, Noor Mukadam case was announced. Yes, it turned out to be in the favor of the prosecution. The courts upheld the principles of equity and fairness. Needless to say, this has somehow led to the restoration of faith in our judiciary and the regaining confidence, that the masses had lost earlier. This verdict, definitely acted as a deep sigh of relief, for Noor Mukadam’s family, friends, relatives, and of course the entire nation. Most importantly, this has acted as a definite ray of shine for the terrified, anxious, and suffering women of the nation.

Read More: Noor Mukadam - A Sigh Of Relief Or Disbelief In The Judiciary

After 4 months and 8 days of the nerve-racking trial, with multiple attempts by Zahir to act mentally retarded; today, in a local court, Judge Ata Rabbani, announced in the favor of the prosecution. Zahir Jaffer, the murderer has been given the death sentence along with a 10-year prison sentence to Jan Muhammad and Muhammad Iftikhar, the gardener and security guard serving Zahir’s home who were present on the same day and same place. Moreover, Zahir’s parents; Asmat Adamjee and Zakir Jaffer along with the household Jamil have been acquitted. The curse of social class, within the country, is apparent as we see the husband and wife had stooped down to every disgusting level to save their son, who they knew had murdered an innocent girl.

Therapy works, that had earlier been sealed, have also been acquitted, according to the verdict.

However, is the fight over? Certainly not- we have seen several cases going on appeal to higher courts, with nothing but utter disappointment coming in for the society. The nation is beyond relieved to have heard of this verdict, however, to be able to accept that justice was served, we need to see Zahir Jaffer serving his death sentence.