Russian and Ukraine Conflict- What Led To It?

details of the internal issues between the two nations.

Russian and Ukraine Conflict- What Led To It?

Russia- Ukraine Conflict: What Led To It?

Ukraine is a country that stands between Russia and Europe. It was part of the Soviet Union till 1991 when it was 'The Ukraine’ but after separation, the country then started being referred to as Ukraine. Ukraine had to face Russia’s intervention several times.

The statistics show that one in six Ukrainian citizens are ethnically Russian and one out of three speak Russian as their native language. It is like a duplicate of the same country, just as in the case of other nations that split into two and now have different identities even though they have the same roots.

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On February 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that there would be ‘special military control’ in Ukraine, following the 2014 success of Crimea as a part of Russia, which was obviously brought under Russia by the Military.

The internal conflict:

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in November 2013, disregarded quite a serious and big deal with the European Union, which resulted in serious civil protests. These protests were put down by the government using force, of course. For obvious reasons, the US and Europe sided with the protesting masses.

After this internal conflict, many things started happening- for example anti-government protests and conflicts of civil nature. At the time, Russia invaded Crimea, and then shortly there were rebels in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian Military fought them and when they were close to the final end, the Russian forces suddenly bounced in and supported the rebels and aided them with ammunition.

All of this was reported, of course with facts and evidence supporting the stance but with these allegations, also came Russia’s denial.